Complaint Process

For CCC’s Out-of-State Students

Coahoma Community College seeks to resolve concerns and complaints in a fair and timely manner. Students who have a complaint may submit their concerns in accordance with the Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures which are located in the CCC Student Handbook. Complaints regarding student grades or student conduct violations are governed entirely by the CCC policy.  CCC online students with academic concerns are encouraged to contact their instructor first to work toward a resolution.  If no resolution is reached, students should follow the Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures in the CCC Student Handbook.  

Complaint/Grievance Form

If a complaint cannot be resolved through the Coahoma Community College student complaints process, students may file a complaint with the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation by visiting their site. Students may also contact the appropriate agency in their state of residency. A current list of agencies can be found here.

MCCA Student Complaint Process

MCCA Student Grievance Form

Note: This process is not applicable to matters related to student grades or discipline/conduct matters.